The fourth series of ‘Kabaddi‘, which was released last Friday, is making waves in the hall. The film, which has been collecting good gross since its first day of release, has been dubbed as the last series of ‘Kabaddi‘. All four series of ‘Kabaddi‘ directed by Rambabu Gurung revolve around Birkaji’s wedding. Now a movie called ‘Mr. Bamkaji‘ is going to be made. Director Gurung said that the film will show Bamkaji’s wedding.
As soon as the series of ‘Kabaddi‘ is over, the viewers get indications that ‘Mr. Bamkaji’ may be made. The director has promised to come back with another movie with a new name. Bamkaji is portrayed as an important character in this series of ‘Kabaddi‘. Saugat Malla will be in the lead role in the new film. ‘Mr. Bamkaji’ Dayahang Rai has disappeared. But at some point in the film, Rambabu is weaving a story to show that Bamkaji and Birkaji met.