Indian actress Nora Fatehi will perform at the upcoming World Cup in Qatar. Nora is a Bollywood actress representing India in FIFA. The actress revealed which song she will perform. The actress has shared a video of her song ‘Light the Sky‘ for FIFA. She is seen not only dancing, but also singing in this song. FIFA has shared the video on its YouTube channel and Twitter. Nora Fatehi also shared the video on social media.
After Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, Nora Fatehi will perform the national anthem of the FIFA World Cup. Nora has become the first Bollywood actress to represent India in the world, especially in South East Asia. The song that Nora dances to is composed by Redone. Nora will also perform at the opening and closing ceremonies of FIFA. At the closing ceremony, she will be seen dancing to a Hindi song. Shakira performed in ‘Waka-Waka‘ in 2010. This song is still a hit among the youth.