I start eating fenugreek and mint in the morning. Both fenugreek greens and seeds can be used. Plant fenugreek sprouts are used to make various dishes. Salads can be made by adding fenugreek seeds, garlic, ginger, almonds, salt, and lemon. Pickles can be made by adding potato, coriander, and fenugreek sprouts. Soaking fenugreek and eating it in the morning has a good effect on health.
Eating lentils and vegetables enhances the taste of fenugreek. Fenugreek contains iron. It also contains fibrous elements. It helps the digestive system to reduce constipation. So it is very beneficial for health. It is also used as a green vegetable. Fenugreek seeds contain microscopic amounts of minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, folic acid, and small amounts of vitamins ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’.
Mint leaves are very important abroad. Not knowing that it promotes good health, many people do not value it. But, we pay as much money as the same mint comes in the market as medicine.
Mint capsules produced in India are widely sold in the Nepali market. Those who do not eat babari eat mint. In summer, it is tasty and beneficial to add birenun and lemon in the syrup made with mint leaves. Bamboo and lemon slices can be soaked in water for 10-12 hours and eaten. Babri can also be boiled and made into a tea and eaten in any way, it is beneficial for health.