How do you know if a girl is a virgin or not? It is said that when a virgin girl urinates, she ejaculates directly with her voice, while a married and sexual woman does not have such a voice. Is it true?
Proof of this was the practice of sleeping on a white sheet on the first night of the marriage so that the bloodstains could be seen clearly. However, this basis cannot be considered scientific.
Talk about virginity
In particular, the virginity of a girl is found to be an important aspect of human sexuality, not only of developed human norms. There is always a kind of conflict over who will control it. Although it is customary for a virgin boy to find a virgin (girl) in marriage, it is very important to know whether virginity has been violated or not, especially in the case of a virgin girl. A virgin with such a condition is called an intact vagina.
Having sex with someone is a violation of virginity. This is especially true of vaginal sex. There is also the question of what kind of sexual activity is considered sexual and what is not. Virginity for a girl and virginity for a boy is not only a physical thing but also an emotional thing. What does it mean to engage in sexual activity by using your fingers on the genitals in a sexually stimulating manner without entering the penis?
Test of virginity
Throughout history, virginity has been tested by various methods, most of which are focused on girls. It is believed that the urine of a virgin girl should always be pure and not cloudy. Similarly, it is believed that the head of a virgin girl should be turned upwards. However, these things have nothing to do with a girl’s virginity.
As mentioned above, the test at the center is considered to be whether the girl has a vagina or not. The vagina is a female tube-shaped reproductive organ and the hole seen from the outside is called the vaginal opening. Just inside the vagina is a thin skin or membrane that is called the vagina. In the old days, it was used as a basis to break the virginity of a girl during sexual intercourse. Proof of this was the practice of sleeping on a white sheet on the first night of the marriage so that the bloodstains could be seen clearly.
It is clear that this is even more embarrassing for men. However, in the case of men, the practice of testing virginity is found in African tribes. If the foreskin turns back easily, then virginity is not considered. In another test, if the boy’s knee is black, it is believed that he is not a virgin. In any case, there is no scientific basis for this.
Urine flow and virginity
Although the purity of a girl’s urine is a method, there are many exceptions regarding the flow of urine. The urinary tract of a virgin girl is considered to be like that of a child. Especially in the case of a boy, when some semen stays in the urethra after sexual intercourse, the stream of urine may not come properly and come out. The idea may have come from the thought that something similar might happen to a girl. No study has been done on this subject, but there is no scientific basis for it. In men, both semen and urine come out of the urethra, but urine comes out of the urethra separately from the woman’s vagina. The context in which an infection is caused by sexual contact is a different matter.
Renewal of virginity
In some denominations, it is customary to renew one’s virginity in spite of having sex, but things are different now. Anyone who has experienced sexual intercourse once again cannot reach the state of inexperience. Even forgetting does not lead to that state. Therefore, in theory, virginity cannot be restored, but even if it is torn now, the vagina has been surgically reconstructed, which has made it more complicated and invalid to consider the vagina as the basis of virginity.
Social monitoring of virginity
The important thing to consider is that the home, family, neighbors, and society are always looking at such possible relationships. Someone has seen their closeness to someone and such things can become public. If someone tries to intimidate you, you should also consider the situation. So it is not wise to focus only on the physical side.