The second song of Anil Budha Magar directed film ‘Gharjwai‘ has been released. The film’s lead actors...
The music video of the song ‘Maya Ko Ghar‘ with the words of Govind Kandel ‘Anshu’ and...
नमस्कार सुरेन्द्र जी ! नमस्कार !! आजभोलि के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ ? म पुरानै काममा छु । खासै...
स्वस्तिश्री गुरुकुल आई. वर्ल्ड स्कुलको आयोजनामा तेस्रो लालाबाला काठमाडौँ अन्तराष्ट्रिय बाल नाटक महोत्सव सम्पन्न भएको छ । सम्पन्न...
निर्देशक सुरेन्द्र क्षेत्रीको निर्देशनमा दर्शना स्कुलले नाटक ‘बिसे नगर्ची’ मञ्चन गरेका छन् । भारतको उडिसामा भइरहेको नाटक...
The Velocity School’s Gaaijatra Mahotsav 2080 has come to a close. On Wednesday, the 13th of Bhadra,...
Places to Visit in Bara The Bara district is famous for its cultural heritage and historical sites,...
The international exhibition rights of the film ‘Gulabi’ have been sold. The production team released the poster...
नाट्य प्रशिक्षक एवं रङ्गकर्मी टंक चौलागाईंको नेतृत्वमा काठमाडौं प्रज्ञा कुञ्ज स्कुलमा विगत १२ वर्षदेखि `नाट्य शिक्षा’ विषयगत...
An announcement has been made regarding the start of production of the movie “The Out Law“, which will be...