The Velocity School’s Gaaijatra Mahotsav 2080 has come to a close. On Wednesday, the 13th of Bhadra, the grand Gaaijatra Mahotsav of 2080 was concluded at The Velocity School in Mulpani, Pipalbot. In this event, various cultural programs, including the play “Yamaraj Versus Papiharu,” were presented by the students of the same school.
Mayor Upendra Karki of Kageshwari Manohar was the chief guest at the event. Renowned singer Bhojraj Kafle’s presence added fragrance to the program. Alongside music and dance performances, the Gaaijatra play by famous artists was also staged during the program. Furthermore, magician Rajendra Giri amazed the audience with his incredible magic show, making the event even more spectacular.
Director Surendra Kshetri directed the Gaaijatra Mahotsav program and honored artists and media workers who contributed to the event in their own fields. The festival also bestowed the token of love, “Maya Ko Chino”, to these artists and media professionals.
The school has been organizing the Gaaijatra Festival program every year, aiming to preserve the art and tradition in our country. Principal Rekha Khanal of the school provided this information. She mentioned that such events would continue to be organized in the coming days to protect the country’s culture and heritage.