Failure to clean teeth cannot only cause tooth decay or decay but can also lead to serious gum disease. Eating especially sweet foods increases acid in the mouth and therefore produces bacteria. Enzymes produced by the bacteria on the teeth, eat away at the bone of the teeth and eventually lead to gum disease. If there is an infection in the gums, surgery is also required. So we have to pay special attention to keeping our teeth safe.
– Tobacco products like – Panparag, Tobacco are also harmful. It discolors the teeth. There is also a possibility of skin cancer. So you should stay away from tobacco products.
– Don’t forget to rinse your mouth after eating sweets.
– Brushing should be mandatory in the morning and evening after eating.
– Use a soft brush while brushing your teeth.
– Brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste is better. There are different types of toothpaste available in the market, but only toothpaste with fluoride should be used.
– Brushing has its own method. Brushing is often done by brushing back and forth. Don’t cheat like that. When brushing the upper teeth, the brush should be directed upwards and downwards when brushing the lower teeth.
– All parts of the teeth must be brushed.