The movie ‘Chiso Manchhe’ has been released on Friday. Actor Arpan Thapa and actress Swastima Khadka are in the lead roles in the movie written and directed by Dipendra K Khanal. Arpan Thapa and Swastima have appeared in different incarnations in the movie. Swastima is seen in Bajura’s surroundings while Arpan is seen in the role of a driver. The chemistry between Arpan and Swastima in the trailer is also very much liked by the viewers.
Actors like Desh Bhakta Khanal, Aashant Sharma, Prabhakar Neupane, and Ram Babu Regmi have also acted in ‘Chiso Manchhe‘. The film is edited by Dirgha Khadka. The film has been distributed by GGA Group along with Reach Entertainment in valley and FD Company in Mofasal.