The teaser of the movie ‘Paaniphoto‘, which is going to be released on Shrawan 13, has been made public. Actors Anup Baral, Khagendra Lamichhane, Menuka Pradhan, and Malika Mahat have been featured in the teaser released from the YouTube channel Highlights Nepal. Khagendra has made his directorial debut through ‘Paaniphoto‘. The film, produced by Tukee Arts and Manjushree Films, has Khagendra’s own writing.
The film is co-produced by Khagendra’s wife Rojina Sitaula and Rabindra Bajracharya. The film stars Khagendra along with Sunil Pokhrel, Anup Baral, Menuka Pradhan, Prakash Ghimire, Maotse Gurung, Buddhi Tamang, Malika Mahat and Aashant Sharma. The film was shot in Kathmandu, Bardiya, Rolpa, and Syangja by Deepak Bajracharya.