The trailer of the much-awaited Bollywood movie ‘Har Har Mahadev’ has been released. The trailer of this movie by Zee Studios was released on Monday. The producer said that the trailer made the audience more curious about the movie. It is said that the story of ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj‘ is included in the movie. The trailer of the movie has been released after a long wait.
The movie shows the life journey of Baji Prabhu Deshpande. In there is a story of 300 soldiers fighting a war against 12 thousand enemies and winning. The movie is directed by Abhijeet Deshpande and produced by Zee Studios. Subodh Bhave, Sharad Kelkar, Amrita Khanwilkar, Sayali Sanjeeb and others played the lead roles in the movie. This movie is scheduled to hit theatres from Kartik 25.