The trailer for the movie “Mahapurush” has been released. In the trailer of the public film, the main actors of the film Hari Bansha Acharya, Madan Krishna Shrestha, Gauri Malla and others are shown. Director Pradip Bhattarai has directed the film. The film tries to tell the story of how society makes people into Mahapurush. Poet Navraj Parajuli also made his debut in the film as a lyricist from this film.
All four songs of the film consisting of four songs are written by Navraj Parajuli and the music is composed by Ridam Kandel. Rabindra Singh Baniya is the executive producer of the film, which will be produced by Shatkon Arts. The film is directed by Narendra Mainali. The film will be screened across the country from Kartik 11.