Speaking of the loose vagina – the size and shape of the penis or vagina varies greatly from person to person. In some cases, it is said to be loose compared to the roundness of the penis. It is a tube-shaped organ made of very flexible or stretchable muscle, usually 3 to 4 inches long. Even though it is a tube-shaped organ, it does not always have a hole or a gap like a pipe.
Normally its walls are attached to each other, but when the penis enters it gives way to it. Think about it for a moment, just because something big is put in the mouth doesn’t mean that it is always loose and can’t hold a small thing? Certainly not. There is no scientific basis for having sex. When there is sexual arousal, there is a lot of water, that is, vagina juice, and when it is very slippery, you feel loose. When it is very slippery, it is possible to touch the vagina by wiping it a little, but it is not wise to keep the vagina dry.
What can be done to tighten the vagina?
The exercise to strengthen the genital area of the genital area is called the kegel exercise. You can feel this muscle by inserting your finger into the vagina and squeezing it. Once the muscle is identified, it can be squeezed without rubbing the finger.
In the beginning, keep it tightly for 1 second and let it loose. Gradually increase it to 5 seconds. Slowly compress and release 10 to 15 times. This should be done up to 20 times a day. If you do this exercise regularly for 6 weeks, you will feel something different. This muscle can be used to tighten and tighten the penis during sexual intercourse. It helps not only women but also men to have sex. In addition to other measures, a certain weight vaginal cone is placed in a woman’s vagina to hold it, so that the muscles of the genitals are strong.
In the same way, electrical stimulation, i.e. By placing a kind of device in the vagina and using a light electric current, stimulates the mother of the genital area to shrink and loosen. This instrument is a special kind of chair. In particular, the magnetic field is used to stimulate the mother of the genital area. This treatment is usually done twice a week for 20 to 30 minutes like this for eight weeks. In the end, if the problem of looseness is too much, then surgery may be required. This type of surgery is usually considered a last resort. It has even started using laser technology.
Problems in the future – focusing on the physical side, I do not see much impact on life. Although men may have general knowledge about the structure of the female genitalia, they do not know that your vagina and vagina were similar in texture or shape, and it is even more difficult to know if you have had sexual intercourse. Many men may be interested in whether or not their sexual partner is an ‘intact vagina’ or ‘virgin’, but it is not easy to find out. Whether or not there is a vagina can not be the main basis. One should not forget to look at its social side in case of future problems. Homes, families, neighbors, and society are always watching such possible relationships with great interest and the issue of privacy can be really comparable.