Many types of problems occur in the body due to stress. Excessive stress causes constant headaches, insomnia, and digestive problems. Physician Dr. Roger Henderson has said that the following 6 types of problems occur in the body due to stress.
1.3 million Brits and 4.5 million Americans have bowel problems. 70 percent of doctors consider it a common digestive problem. Constipation and diarrhoea can also occur when there is a problem in the intestines. Stomach auscultation can be a problem when there is a problem in the intestines. 94% of British doctors agree that stress causes bowel problems.
According to Dr. Henderson, the mind and the digestive system are interrelated.
Excessive sweating problem
When you are under stress, your body sweats profusely. It is natural to sweat in a state of frustration.
Dr. According to Henderson, there are 4 million sweat glands in the human body. Most of them are on the palms, soles and armpits. There are different types of sweating caused by stress. When we are under stress, our sweat glands are more active. And, there is a problem with sweating in the body.
Dental problems
Taking too much stress can cause dental problems, i.e. Bruxism. Headaches occur when you are under stress. Head and teeth are related to each other. Insomnia, earache and jaw muscle problems are common due to stress. When there is a problem in the jaw muscles, it affects the teeth. As a result, there is a problem of tooth misalignment and pain.
Hair loss problem
Hair fall can also be a problem when you are under too much stress. When taking unnecessary stress, the pores of the skin where hair grows can become closed due to sweat and cold. Due to this, the problem of hair fall occurs. Hair fall is more after washing hair.